Leading Provider of Photographic Supplies For
Professional & Amateur Photographers, Schools & Universities.

OUR Products

Les Porter sells :


Inkjet products

Printers & Scanners

Inkjet Papers


Printer Inks

Our Shop

A great digital camera to get you started, for someone learning the ropes or just as a good compact camera to carry on holidays! This Canon EOS 300V has been fully serviced and is ready for action.

WELCOME to our site...

Since 1964 Les Porter has been regarded as a leading provider of photographic supplies for professional & amateur  photographers, schools & universities.

Les who.. Les Porter.. Almost every professional, amateur or tertiary student photographer knows Les Porter. Les has been in the Photography business for 49 years and is master at Black and White Processing & Printing.

He has Darkroom facilities available to students & provides a helping hand to produce quality photographs. At the business end of the company, Les is the man for ILFORD, FOTOSPEED, FUJIFILM, & EPSON. Les sells FILM, Epson and Canon, Printers and Scanners, PHOTOGRAPHIC & INKJET PAPERS, CHEMICALS, PRINTER INKS Australia-wide to high schools, universities, amateurs and busy professionals for commercial shoots.. for weddings.. for portfolio assignments and fine art work.Les Porter runs a 15 hr a day business – so call him, you’ll get GREAT service and GREAT prices.

Our Testimonials

What They Say About Flix Studio

Donec dui sem, pretium at ornare ut, laoreet vel elit. Mauris id libero ac felis auctor blandit. Etiam quis ex lacus. Donec eget aliquet quam. Quisque nec metus ut tortor molestie tempus et non lorem.

Barnardo Designation

Donec dui sem, pretium at ornare ut, laoreet vel elit. Mauris id libero ac felis auctor blandit. Etiam quis ex lacus. Donec eget aliquet quam. Quisque nec metus ut tortor molestie tempus et non lorem.

Valdes Designation

Donec dui sem, pretium at ornare ut, laoreet vel elit. Mauris id libero ac felis auctor blandit. Etiam quis ex lacus. Donec eget aliquet quam. Quisque nec metus ut tortor molestie tempus et non lorem.

Guilermo Designation

Donec dui sem, pretium at ornare ut, laoreet vel elit. Mauris id libero ac felis auctor blandit. Etiam quis ex lacus. Donec eget aliquet quam. Quisque nec metus ut tortor molestie tempus et non lorem.

Andrea Designation

    Connect Les Porter Photography

    Send Us a Message


    42 Farm St, Speers Point, NSW 2284


    Mobile : 0418-681-469

